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How racist, imperialist, religionist are gaming companies?

Mathematics and pattern, are always the most reliable indications of truth because 2+2 is always 4. I am an avid gamer and from 2 years I mostly play apex legends, an online battle royale game. Asia has highest number of poplation, Asia has the youngest population and Asia also has highest number of gamers but when you see youtube, twitch or any other gaming platform, the celeb gamers are always and mostly only contain people of certain country or region, certain religion, certain color and only they form the 90% of all the top gamers in any platform or in any game, is that a co incidence? Either it means that people of that region, color or creed are just gifted and better at video games and hence they are a superior race/group/color in video games and racial superiority is a statistically proven scientific fact or the system is setup in such a way that only those from that group are set to be on top.
The asian servers for the game apex legend are so slow and buggy that most of the time you want to quit and uninstall the game, this of course discourages any asian to even stream these games, who would want to watch a frozen game? Today [04/07/2021] I noticed that I was getting kicked out of an ongoing game due to a very common error called 'server out of sync' and when I try to start a new game it use to ban me for nearly 10 minutes for abandoning the game early. So the game is punishing the victim (the gamer) instead of the culprit (game developers, game, game server). I took it up to apex legends and reported it on their apex legends thread and as I suspected the post got removed in less than a second all the 3 times. Here are the screen shots of those posts. Yes, I tried to post it as a bug. It was almost certain that it was a bot written to take down all posts which shows the negative side of this game or feedback.

The next thing I did of course was to just take the screen shots and tweet about it. The game is from respawn and EA company and it is not just them. Even companies like Microsoft, you will notice that their treatment towards Asian regions is very partial compared to the America, UK and other white Christian regions. How is that growth of consumption of twitch, YouTube and other such streaming platforms is highest in Asia but Asia gets their least investment and Asians get almost no representations amongst the toppers of each platform? creators in these platforms of white, Christian regions like America, UK with so less population and limited potential for expansion or addition of new viewers make a lot more money than creators in Asia. Highest growth of consumption is in Asia, Highest possibility of addition of new viewers is in Asia but almost none from Asian geographical region? 
The funny thing is as soon as I tweeted this, my account's ban for the game extended to 1 week stating that I have directed hate speech against someone. I in fact report at least 1 or 2 users a day about hate speech directed towards indians, indian accent, pakistani accent, islam, muslim but I have only gotten 1 reply so far from them for taking an action. So amongst 100s of reports of abuse filed by asian indian against hate speech, cheating and more, 1 gets a reply. If I expose their partiality, they remove my posts on reddit within a second and ban me from the platform within minutes citing hate speech. It is almost as if they are holding back on all their players and they will only shoot you down if you have anything to say about them. I remember this is a typical corporate behavior. Usually in a corporate office they will have some unenforced rules which they know and expect all their employees to break (Example: visiting social network on work computer or work time or taking a break longer than certain time etc.,) and they will not act on it and when they want to fire you for the wrong reason, then they will use these unenforced rules and enforce it on you and fire you.

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