Unclaimed assets in india is growing and it will only grow more since more people are starting to invest and forget. Currently a very small portion of indians invest online and even a smaller % of people nominate or write a will when they are of sound mind and health. The number of places a person has to do nomination for this assets is = number of mutual funds * number of demat accounts * number of bank accounts * number of fixed deposits etc., etc., All investments nowadays require pan card. A central nomination and inheritance department where one can do the nomination against all his assets and this portal should and can pull all his investment assets at one location using his pan card. He may also declare his will here and it should be considered as his will.
- BII - centralized portal where one can view, edit nominations for all his/her assets
- Last update overrides the previous but a history of previous nominations is always maintained forever.
- This overrides any nomination done at the asset's location (with bank or demat account or folios)
- Upon passing of the asset owner, the institute itself will allocate the assets.
- Helps to reduce frauds and black money
- Reduces load on courts