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I would If I could 17: Weapons of mass manipulation


  1. All kinds of entertainment or infotainment (movies, music, games, streaming services etc.,) should be either paid for or paid to the consumer.
  2. All data of all online services should only reside in india and deplatforming, disabling, crippling, limiting or banning of any indian's profile for a service requires the service provider to obtain a court order from the indian judiciary since indians are subject to indian law and constitution and no company or corporate's internal law or policy should function above the india or indian's constituion but should only work under it. (This shall also ensure an increase in employment in a very new segment in judiciary)
So no video game or social media or streaming service should be or will be free but it will be charged per minute or the service provider itself will pay to the user. This is of course taxed to fund the welfare schemes that we have in India. Ex:- Instagram or facebook or youtube will either pay their users to use their services per minute (1 paise per minute or less or more) and this is taxed. This will ensure those who cannot afford it won't use it much or not use it at all and if they can't afford it then it means they should be working to earn their living. This will also limit the amount of time today's citizens spend online. This will also ensure the quality of content and quality of time spent is ensured from service providers to service consumers. 

Almost all 
  1. social media companies
  2. Movie studios
  3. Music studios
  4. Streaming services
  5. Gaming services
  6. Online news portals
  7. Online entertainment
  8. Online adult content providers
  9. Cloud or hosting companies of online services
who have more data of citizens than the citizen's own country are from one country and they are subject to the constitution of that country. Almost all such companies have departments which have the authority to monitor, disable, ban, deplatform or limit a user's experience or profile based on the employee's country's definition of freedom of speech or worse the company's definition of freedom of speech. 

If it is company's guidelines they are following then they are only or mainly influenced by the shareholders meaning, someone who wants to influence a certain viewpoint and suppress those which are against their own viewpoints have to just either infiltrate such departments of such companies with their own people or if they can afford to, then just be a big enough shareholder in that company.

If it is the country's (the country where the company is registered from or based in ) guidelines that they are following, then they are enforcing their definition of what is right and wrong on the whole world based on their country's constitution. The government can easily enforce the companies to push their narrative, cripple or suppress the narratives which are not in favor of them by forcing the companies to promote or demote certain ideas or those who are sharing such ideas. They can also do this by infiltrating such companies with their own people in certain departments where they can monitor, disable, limit, ban, cripple user experiences or their ideas or deplatform them or even make internal policies which will act in their favor most of the time. Government of the country where these companies are based, the govt can insert their people into departments where they have access to databases of all the user's data and they can use it to extract or reflect upon that data without requiring a legal approval, even better they can place hardware or OS based backdoors which can and will be accessed by the agencies of their government.

So in short if the this govt with a monopoly of power to manipulate world's viewpoint, the thoughts of people of the whole world can be used to turn people of a certain country or religion or ideology to turn against their government by demoting or promoting people who can facilitate such their goal. Currently all these weapons are deployed and functioning around the world. What better weapon can there be than the power to turn people of their own country
  1. turn against their own country
  2. turn against their own or other's race/ethnicity/religion/country.
  3. Make the people unproductive of a certain religion/country/race by keeping them hooked to cheap entertainment (games, movies, music, streaming services, social media etc.,) or keep gaslighting them.
  4. Make selective people or people of their own country more productive and efficient by giving them boring results when they are in search for entertainment or games and give them most relevant results or most accurate answers when their people are searching online for answers may be related to STEM.

Most services online are now hosted on cloud, meaning if they can deplatform you if the government of that company asks or forces them to do so. This can be seen with what happened to ex president donald trump and his social media account and to the It was only China which acted on it way before anyone and got their own services for their people.

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