Bharat as of today spends too much time and energy on collecting IT (Income Tax) and sorting out legal issues. The number of tax payers amongst 1.4 billion people less than 22% people pay taxes and IT seems to be making people corrupt than contribute to the economy. A corrupt population won't question a corrupt system or party or politician. IT is also being used to hound, bully opponents of various kind.
Issues to solve:
- IT department being used as a bully by people with power to bully their opponents
- Women empowerment is still not upto the mark
- Sex ratio (less women per men)
- More parents are being neglected and put into old age homes
- Participation of women in workforce
- Increase women's participation in finance and economics
Solution: All tax collected of all women will go to her mother's account if she does not have her own income. After mother's death the beneficiary will be her father. If both of her parents are not alive then the same shall get credited to her mother in law's account and if she too isn't alive then it will go to her father in law's account. Ripple impact and effects are as follows.
- Parents will encourage their daughters to get higher education and be employed
- Girl parents do not have to worry about no one looking after them after their girl joins husband's family, especially those with no sons.
- Girls will not be seen as a burden and their parents will get the support till they are alive.
- Many women get abandoned by their husband when they get old, or they lose their husband and have none to look after. This will provide them a sense of security.
- Girls may now get encouraged to be part of the workforce from both parents and in laws family
- There will be an increase in the registration of businesses and other income generating sources to be listed in the name of their women (daughter, mother, wife etc.,) to get this tax benefit and when it happens it creates an additional financial/economical bondage between the women and men.
Once this achieves the above fore mentioned goals, especially the positive impacts like F/M ratio, increased participation of women in workforce and economy and if the system later starts giving higher negative returns, too much of a burden to maintain than it is worth to retain, then we can abolish that too. Since now this is not an abolishment of IT, also bundled with a lot of benefits for women and feminism in general, there will be least opposition and most support.