I often see, hear and learn about people trying to end borders, racism, prejudice, sexism etc., but I have realized that their goal or vision is too small. The biggest so far I have seen is end of racism. Why do I see it as the biggest? because some assume that addressing a race is the biggest denominator and you can address most number of people. This however leads to segregation and those who produce within themselves degenerate genetically, culturally and in so many other ways. I see religion as the biggest, safest and the right way of unifying people.We already know that fights over religion have cost a lot of lives and historically it might be the 2nd biggest killer after lust for power. So how can we unit people based on religion and still not cause problem?. Most might think that I am talking about hindus vs muslims vs jews, christians vs budhist etc., which is a big no. We want to unite people who aren't most likely get along and also at the same time give them a pres...
This is abt me, myself n dat lil mad-man in me