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Showing posts from 2019

Yog, communism, capitalism, socialism

Most often people want to know why should they choose yog over gymnasium, weight lifting etc., since they give visible results (abs, biceps, triceps) and yogic bodies are not usually that sexy. Why yoga? why not something else?. Answer is simple. It depends on what you want to achieve. Communism and socialism practice a certain philosophy where as per them weakest link in the chain defines the strength of the chain, slowest person defines the pace of progress. Capitalism on the other hand unchains all and let them move in their own pace, those who are slow will be forced to catch up with those who are moving fast. Nobody will be held back. In any current society, system no system is 100% adheres to one way of life (communism, socialism, capitalism) but it is a mixture of 3 in different proportions. In yog however it is pure communism. You have Container (Physical body which you can see easily) Contained (prana or life which you can't see easily). both move at the same...

I would If I could 10: Hindu temple wealth management

Advantages The economic and social welfare of the people of non native faiths in bharath will be directly proportinal and dependent on the followers of native faiths (shaiva, vaishnava, sikh, jain, budhism, lingayath). Permanent and probably a biggest solution to any kind of past and future enmity between people of native and non native faiths. Population control. Process All religious places native faiths of bharat in bharath will come under an independent body which gives a % of what income generated by the dharmic place to it's maintenance, religious activities etc., It will of course never should be less than 1/5th or 1/3rd of its annual income. No religious places can own any land beyond it's current operation. All such land should and will be auctioned and money will go to the temple as part of it's annual income. ex:- land donated to temple. All members, employees of this independent body should meet minimum requirements. They should be at least 3rd...

I would If I could 9: AI to protect children, women and Small business owners

Advantages Protection of children against predators Minimize robbery, theft of small and medium establishments Process Centralized database of those with a history of violence against women and children will be linked to cameras with facial recognition at schools pointing outwards and the head of security of school or institution (principal, headmaster or security staff head) will get an alert. Centralized database of those with who are convicted thieves and robbers will be offered to get it linked with surveillance cameras of shops and malls and the owner will receive an alert. This will not only protect abductions, harassment, kidnapping of women and children but also will offer great security and peace of mind to business owners and parents.

Is unity possible with division?

I often see, hear and learn about people trying to end borders, racism, prejudice, sexism etc., but I have realized that their goal or vision is too small. The biggest so far I have seen is end of racism. Why do I see it as the biggest? because some assume that addressing a race is the biggest denominator and you can address most number of people. This however leads to segregation and those who produce within themselves degenerate genetically, culturally and in so many other ways. I see religion as the biggest, safest and the right way of unifying people.We already know that fights over religion have cost a lot of lives and historically it might be the 2nd biggest killer after lust for power. So how can we unit people based on religion and still not cause problem?. Most might think that I am talking about hindus vs muslims vs jews, christians vs budhist etc., which is a big no. We want to unite people who aren't most likely get along and also at the same time give them a pres...

Caste system, Dalits and the death of the knowledge tree

There use to be a generation of skilled leather workers who passed on their skills from their blood line.   If today one spends lets say 20 years in just programming C, C++ and other programming language then you can certainly conclude with great certainty that he is an expert. Now imagine I pass my skills to my children and their children and it continues in my family for millenia then my offspring in future who have continued this legacy of passing down their forefather's skills to their children will be the best programmers in the world (assuming that computer programming is still a thing) because What I acquired in 20 years, I will take atleast less than half of that time to transfer my skills to my children. What they acquire in their lifetime they will be able to transfer that knowledge to their children within a decade or less. Since the knowledge transfer is exponential here the resulting family line will be one of the if not the most expert in programming anything....

Fasting in Hinduism

So today intermittent fasting is a thing to improve your health and to keep your human growth hormones up. This however has been implemented in Hindu society as part of religion since we have always had religion and science be part of each other than have them separately and contradict each other. There are 2 different duration for fasting. Sunrise to Sunrise Sunrise to Sunset 3 levels of fasting Fruits and water Only water  No food, No water Fasting based on meals No breakfast No lunch No dinner Fasting based on day of the week. Each day of the week is associated with one or more deities in Hinduism. Weekly fasting is something most do including my own family members. Fasting on monday Fasting on tuesday Fasting on wednesday Fasting on thursday Fasting on friday Fasting on saturday Fasting on sunday Fasting is also done on a particular festival which comes ones a year. Fasting based on festival  Fasting based on diet. Abstai...

The future is backwards

As you have seen with the technology trends in the last decade. The tech innovation and invention is slow, not necessarily because of the lack of skill but lack of will. If the tech world had kept up the same pace of innovation, implementation and invention as they did in the 90s and 2000s then the current world would be in chaos due to lack of jobs and too many mouths to feed. Some social engineering acts like SJW or feminism are taking care of population but that is still not enough. Automation can nowadays do most of the things what humans can, cant, will or wont do but they are deliberately kept in the closet to stop people from rioting or break down the social structure. Imagine if cars are all automated in India then over 25 million people who lose the job may either turn to crime or organized protests and riots to support themselves and their families. What would you do then? In future even if India or any country is able to manufacture or produce most of the technological aspe...

Human Perception Ceiling (HPC), external and internal engineering

You might know what is an apple iphone retina display is! Basically it is a ceiling or limitation that apple company had put on the resolution of the screen to match the perception of the eye. Most if not all products today consumed by humans are catered to serve their senses. 5 physical senses and the 6th if you believe in 6th sense. This is about how a saturation and if not an end to external engineering or product development can come sooner or later. Let us take one example of screens or displays. Below are the most important things in a display when you buy it. Resolution Refresh rate color reproduction and accuracy Response time Check what is the resolution of your phone or screen. You put few phones next to each other with the same picture on display on all of them. Let the resolution of the screens on them be 8k, 4k, Full HD (high definition), HD (High definition). If you do not know it already this is the heirarchy in terms of greatness and quality 8k > 4k>Ful...