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Gym or Yoga ?

A friend of mine was discussing about how the kind of activities, exercise, workout or other activities form, shape and influence our personality and I totally agree with him, well mostly.
He thinks that girls who go to gym are healthy and all should go to gym or do it at least at home. I disagree on that. I do however believe that the kind of workout, exercise, activity and environment shapes up your overall personality. Here is why I think so...
The 'Masculine hormones' are (The hormones responsible for masculine characteristics in a person)

The 'Feminine hormones' are (The hormones responsible for feminine characteristics in a person)

Adrenaline is what gets produced when you stress your body or mind. It is what gets produced when one gets involved in athletic activities. Running, jogging, fights, acts of violence etc., Testosterone is again another such hormone which gets produced more in males than females. Go ahead and pull out some comic books of 90s and 80s and give a very close look at the facial bone structure.
super heroes are usually given a
wider jaw
prominent chin
and sometimes wider cheekbones too 
because they signify the following nature of that superhero

Artists always relied on these characteristics when they were portraying their characters. Whether it is the classic greek , roman, indian sculptures or modern comics.
Sharper nose and bigger nose, 
slightly raised eyebrow ridge, 
wider jawline,
prominent chin,
wide shoulders.
Broader upper body and mass.
Let us now see some examples from comics.
Below is superman

Supervillains will have this too but mostly in reverse order.
below is thanos (supervillain).
Chin is more prominent than his jawline.
width of cheekbones is not more than jawline.
The area of eyes is not bigger than other parts of the face and of course no hair.
This portrays following characters from most dominant to least.
Extremely Driven
Delegates work to others
Someone who has often exercised his physical strength freely.

Joker (supervillain)
Prominent Chin.
weak jaw.
Very wide cheekbones compared to other parts of the face.
raised eyebrows.
indicate the following
Not Physically strong,
trustworthy (and thus he deceives others easily).

Feminine hormones gives you neotenous features and the lesser amount of male hormones in a person shows up in their physical structure, appearance and their overall personality. This is also why you can see all well successful artists over different periods have portrayed the feminine in a certain way. Females have been portrayed with broader and higher lower body in contrast with males who have higher upper body mass and strength. 
So the more you involve yourself in activities that put your body under stress (gym) you will be emphasizing male hormones of your body to stay fit. It is suitable may be for professional body builders. you will notice that females who have been in professional body building have higher male appearance like
higher upper body mass,
prominent chin,
wider jaw,
thick non smooth skin etc.,
Yoga on the other hand does not need you to emphasize on the male hormones for you to stay fit.
Masculine hormones are most prominent in males and least in females.
Feminine hormones are most prominent in females and least in males. 
Gym which is derived from gymnasium relies or emphasizes masculine hormones to stay fit but yoga on the other hand emphasizes on your naturally born masculine or feminine characteristics.

A typical gym environment
Sweat everywhere on all equipments,
sweaty bodies and sweaty smell everywhere,
loud music,
need to travel or go somewhere to do it,
Costs money,
Not for all but for most it is a gateway to performance enhancement drugs.

A typical yoga environemnt
No travel,
No cost,
At home,
incense sticks or perfume candles,
A lifestyle which promotes abstinence of intoxicants like drugs and alcohol.
I might be biased but you take you choose wisely. I personally know many guys who go there only to see other girls in sweat wet tight clothings and in the hopes of attracting them with their physique and If I were a female I would not want to go to a place to stay fit where creeping eyes are all over me. I would rather stay fit at home.
Just search the top 10 richest or most successful athletes of any gender and you will notice these traits. The scientific citation to back this up is for you to find.
They say that "In order for you to be best at anything, you have to do it for at least 3 hours a day for 3 years".
3 hours a day for 3 years + lot of pharmaceutical products + supplements will give you this at gym
A masculine person stores energy as body fat in his upper body and a feminine person stores their body fat mostly in their lower half of the body. This also is an indicative of how we have evolved and what roles society assigned to them and what roles they performed. 
So, the choice depends on just two things. What and how much of it do you want to achieve (with your overall health).

3 hours a day for 3 years of yoga with no external stimulants/pharmaceutical products/supplements will give you this 

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