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Caste system, Dalits and the death of the knowledge tree

There use to be a generation of skilled leather workers who passed on their skills from their blood line. If today one spends lets say 20 years in just programming C, C++ and other programming language then you can certainly conclude with great certainty that he is an expert. Now imagine I pass my skills to my children and their children and it continues in my family for millenia then my offspring in future who have continued this legacy of passing down their forefather's skills to their children will be the best programmers in the world (assuming that computer programming is still a thing) because
What I acquired in 20 years, I will take atleast less than half of that time to transfer my skills to my children. What they acquire in their lifetime they will be able to transfer that knowledge to their children within a decade or less. Since the knowledge transfer is exponential here the resulting family line will be one of the if not the most expert in programming anything.
There are only certain skill which will last through out the ages like
leather work
wood work
metal work
sculptures and construction
and many softskills like literacy, mathematics, particular fields of science.
example 2:
Doctors children become doctors and this continues for may be for 100 generations. The resulting doctors will be the experts at the chosen field of medicine since the skills get passed on quickly and much efficiently.
This was the hindu caste system. A systematic way of ensuring the passing down of skills and thus exponential improvement of skill sets, expertise and knowledge about a chosen field.
It was social norm to follow their forefathers chosen profession and be better at it and it was discouraged to divert from their forefather's profession since it will disturb the transfer, preservation and improvement of knowledge and skills of that profession.
There were 4 varnas
Scholar (brahmin) - one whose life will be in the pursuit of knowledge
Warrior (xatriya) - one whose life is of offering protection and war if necessary
Trader (vyshya) - One whose life is involved mainly in trading.
Labor (Shudra) - One who is skilled in a (family) profession.
All castes would have fallen under one of these. A barber, a carpenter, a metalsmith were all shudras. When abrahamics invaded india they assassinated the best of each varnas (class) because they needed to weaken the society. That is why you see most of the great art, sculptures, metal works like never rusting iron pillars, mathematics and more were all from an era of pre abrahamic invasion.
They made the most skilled labor class leave their profession by telling them that it is an oppression that they have to do the same kind of work that their forefathers did and today those professions and industries are worth the highest in terms of profit and money where as those who would have reaped these benefits are trying to enter an office, work at a desk and do a mediocre job.
Abrahamics pushed away the hindu family trees (in the name of oppression) who were the most skilled in leather works. Now the entire meat and leather industry worth crores is owned abrahamics.
Abrahamics pushed away the hindu family trees (in the name of oppression) who were the most skilled in grooming profession (barber, spa, salon). That profession is now worth crores and it is dominated by abrahamics.
Abrahamics pushed away the hindu family trees (in the name of oppression) who were the most skilled in metal works. That profession is now worth crores and it is dominated by abrahamics.
The same thing is true with many professions and the soon it will be farming.
As per the dharmic circle of life, the wealth, health or any kind of prosperity moves in a circle and it spans over generations. Today the shudra class is the most economically stable class of society and traders (industrialists, entrepreneurs etc.,) are the wealthiest.
I am certainly not one of those who promotes an enforced following of family profession but I do certainly hope that people follow their family profession and improve upon it, pass on that knowledge and skills to those who come after them.
Today anyone can choose any profession and most spend most of their life time to find what is really good for them or what they are really good at and even if they do they might not love what they do so most are always in search of something to do which they love than loving or at least learn to love what they do and be the best at it.
No I is greater than all.

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