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Showing posts from 2025

I would If I could 24: 3x employment at no extra cost, making everything (almost) paperless for citizens.

 problem: Whenever someone moves, especially those who rent, they have to get their address updated at too many places All bank accounts all credit cards driving license aadhar card passport gas connection phone connection broadband connection and many more other things. All these require a person to keep traveling to various govt and public offices several times. Solution:  1. Give authority to police to provide a verified address to someone who either moves, relocates anywhere permanently or temporarily.  2. Citizen then provides a list of places where he needs his address updated. 3. Police will then have an online way to intimate the all the sources like banks, passport office etc., to update the address. 4. citizen will then be charged a small fee per instance of this update of address at various places. Advantages: Increases engagement of police and citizens Decreases the burden of paperwork, transit on citizens who have to move often  Drastically reduces fraud...