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Showing posts from September, 2019

Yog, communism, capitalism, socialism

Most often people want to know why should they choose yog over gymnasium, weight lifting etc., since they give visible results (abs, biceps, triceps) and yogic bodies are not usually that sexy. Why yoga? why not something else?. Answer is simple. It depends on what you want to achieve. Communism and socialism practice a certain philosophy where as per them weakest link in the chain defines the strength of the chain, slowest person defines the pace of progress. Capitalism on the other hand unchains all and let them move in their own pace, those who are slow will be forced to catch up with those who are moving fast. Nobody will be held back. In any current society, system no system is 100% adheres to one way of life (communism, socialism, capitalism) but it is a mixture of 3 in different proportions. In yog however it is pure communism. You have Container (Physical body which you can see easily) Contained (prana or life which you can't see easily). both move at the same...