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Showing posts from August, 2019

I would If I could 10: Hindu temple wealth management

Advantages The economic and social welfare of the people of non native faiths in bharath will be directly proportinal and dependent on the followers of native faiths (shaiva, vaishnava, sikh, jain, budhism, lingayath). Permanent and probably a biggest solution to any kind of past and future enmity between people of native and non native faiths. Population control. Process All religious places native faiths of bharat in bharath will come under an independent body which gives a % of what income generated by the dharmic place to it's maintenance, religious activities etc., It will of course never should be less than 1/5th or 1/3rd of its annual income. No religious places can own any land beyond it's current operation. All such land should and will be auctioned and money will go to the temple as part of it's annual income. ex:- land donated to temple. All members, employees of this independent body should meet minimum requirements. They should be at least 3rd

I would If I could 9: AI to protect children, women and Small business owners

Advantages Protection of children against predators Minimize robbery, theft of small and medium establishments Process Centralized database of those with a history of violence against women and children will be linked to cameras with facial recognition at schools pointing outwards and the head of security of school or institution (principal, headmaster or security staff head) will get an alert. Centralized database of those with who are convicted thieves and robbers will be offered to get it linked with surveillance cameras of shops and malls and the owner will receive an alert. This will not only protect abductions, harassment, kidnapping of women and children but also will offer great security and peace of mind to business owners and parents.