As per hinduism one day of brahma (Creator aspect of Almighty) or Brahman (The Almighty Force/God) is 4320,000,000 man years also known as kalp. As per bible the creation happened in 6 days but it doesnt say it is 6 man days as we know there was no man, there was no earth, there was no sunrise or sunset to calculate a day and neither was there any solar system or galaxy or stars for that matter. As per big bang theory it was a massive explosion and it is still an expanding universe due to that explosion. The big bang theory tells us that after the explosion the gaseous materials and the residues were all combined, collided and later it all evolved into the present universe. If we take both the big bang theory and the biblical version of creation as true (including the darwin's theory) we are left with one question! What kind of day is the bible talking about? when there was no sunrise, sunset, earth or any of the planets for that matter. So it must be the day at the heave...
This is abt me, myself n dat lil mad-man in me