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Showing posts from February, 2014

Islamic Banking a flawed totalitarian concept ?!

what is islamic banking? Islamic banking is a concept derived from the fact that in Islam forbids taxing people or charging interest for lending money. Thus a concept evolved where rich financiers, bankers or banks will lend you money to start your own business without charging any interest but instead they will be partners in your business and there is written guidelines on how much equity they will own in your business. Some say it is an 'unwritten' guideline where banks cannot own more than 50% of the profit or equity in the business of the person whom they are lending the money. Here are some of my observations It is an unwritten guideline that banks or financiers cannot own more than 50% of the equity of the business of the person to whom they are lending the money but it is an unwritten guidelines which means the bankers are not obligated to obey it under islam or under the law of the nation and one can easily demand more equity or profit than 50%. if a bank has le...

One Law One Nation (My Idea of uniform civil code)

If you have 3 children and if you are unfairly lineant and dear to the youngest and provide unparallelled advantages to the youngest over his or her siblings then it is obvious that the other two will be jealous, which leads to hatred and anger. This is the main basis of division in the society. When we declare all of us to be the children of this nation but still provide unfair advantages to one section of the society in the name of caste, religion, origin or other reasons we create not only jealousy among the members of the society but divisions leading to collisions and disharmony. This is only beneficial to the people in power to remain in power since now people can be busy fighting each other than fight those in power to do right for the society. This can only benefit the western countries which are actively funding such reservations and castist movements in bharath (Hindustan or India) so that the real talent can run away from bharath to come to them to prosper their nation sinc...

'ADticles' the new age of sublime and deceptive advertising

When I read the story about how ' Google Saved An Estimated $887 Million By Paying Adblock To Show Its Ads ' i wasn't surprised at all. Politicians have been using media houses to promote themselves by making these media houses run their promotions in the form of genuine articles. Nobody wants to see ads now, If the user has a chance then he will completely do away with all these advertisements. The famous transformers live action movies series one of those movies where automobile companies lined up to be featured in them. If you haven't yet wondered why do most of the users in hollywood movies use mac with that shiny apple logo than a PC ? even thought PC users are more than 75% of the total global computer users. News agencies have realized that their consumers now have gone smarter by and they might be using methods like browsers add ons such as adblock plus, flashblock or ghostery which will take out those annoying ads out of your webpage. Many people are moving a...