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Showing posts from 2014

Favorite Thing About You

(i)wish you did not have that face (i)wish you did not have that scar (i)wish you dint have that cute teeth misaligned from the rest bcoz the best thing about you is everything about you so forget what they say you are the best of all the rest=[rpt] hide not paintless nails of your hands hide not unwaxed pretty legs and yes there is no need to hide that ungroomed hair [rpt] its okay being unseen its okay being ignored but beloved with me you will always be loved [rpt] the spotless moon is no moon the thornless rose is no rose may be you were made this way to suit my taste [rpt] wish not the curves you do not have wish not the skin that your friend has if you havent heard it yet, you are my favourite thing about you [rpt]

The Soulmate

I often wonder why always people try to waste their life around perfect, perfect thing or the perfect one. The whole objectivity of life is the  journey to the road to perfection from the point of imperfection. You know that infinity is not going to end and you will never be close to its end, no matter how hard you try. If you believe that there is always an area of improvement then infinity should be the perfection because only infinity gets better than what it was every time and all the time. So if perfection is infinity then you will never find your perfect one, soul mate, the one or made for each other guy or girl because if you have found them then you have only found the one who is better among those whom you have met so far but not 'the one'.  If people change over a period time is true then everyone has a different perfect one every day in the universe. I am not the same person (physically, mentally) compared to yesterday or tomorrow. Let us say if at all there ...

If I had a million dollar or a programmer

I have wondered over the years whether there is a conspiracy to not to develop an application which is truly cross platform, that is windows, Mac, Gnu/Linux, android, iOS, most of the music players stop at gnu/linux but till date there is no application which can sync your music between your gnu/linux OS and an android or with your iphone. Even the music players which are there on windows are not truly there on android or iphone and they cant sync to each other. I am finding it annoying to carry the ipod classic since it has to be wired and it is bulky. I want to use my android phone itself but no go since all the immature apps which are there on android play store to sync music are not truly there on desktop to play music but only to sync. ex: the doubletwist, isyncr etc., The day someone finds a way to sync or use the same media files across the devices without putting it on the cloud and having to pay a hefty data charges for the network providers, someone is going to be a bi...

My impossible Weapon to Save Bharath

When jews got israel they didnt build huge temples but they invested in the education of jews and today they are among the world's most elite in almost all fields. Knowledge is a bigger weapon than the strength of numbers or money because laxmi (Devi of Wealth) always follows Saraswati (Devi of Knowledge and Wisdom). Temples of hindus were the centres of education, wisdom, culture and heritage but today many of them are just into making money. Almost all the wealth of the temples was used to the upliftment of the society through education, preservation of heritage, culture etc., but today it is only being used to market that temple. If we release the temples back to their trustees "unconditionally" they will become more corrupt than what they are now. Our Devis and Devathas never created disparity among rich and the poor but today a rich can visit the Devatha faster than poor which is an insult to Devatha and our heritage (The ticket system at temples which allows the r...

Why and how loyalty deterioates a society

Today I called SBI (state bank of india) to have a Fixed deposit for a good amount of money but it took me 4 hours of phone call with their customer care and nobody could help with anything. This is a huge problem with he public sector organizations in india where job security will be there with you irrespective of whether you work or not, whether it the company is doing well or not. There were no ATMs in india before citibank came and threatened these mighty public sector banks. Till date date public sector employees be it may the tellers or a watchmen are the rudest among any employees in the world. If there were no private banks in india to threaten these banks then there would have been no ATMs, there would have been no improvement in the behaviour of these employees of the public sector. If there were no private transport system then there would have been no improvement in the transport system of india. If there were no private airlines then there would have been no improvement ...

Horizontal Growth System (HGS) against the Vertical Growth System (VGS)

Many are predicting that majority of a country's population (as much as 90%) will some day live in cities ( I hope it is not the conspiracy of some real estate goons, lol) and I do not know why is that such a great news. It saddens to know that many have to leave their home, people, neighbors, favorite restaurants, favorite hang out places or the memories of their childhood to earn a living to some far away place where nobody knows nobody and they try to nobody and even after knowing the nobodies none will know till a month passes by when you die in your bed with old age until you smell too rotten to your neighbor. Shouldn't our aim be to develop all the regions equally, together? Is it not our priority to have an inclusive growth? If we want the inclusive growth to happen then we should slowly scatter the sources of growth all around the place to promote inclusive growth where there are multiple centers of growth. It is also a great thing to do in terms of national security ...

Big Bang, Darwin and Bible, Can all be true at the same time?

As per hinduism one day of brahma (Creator aspect of Almighty) or Brahman (The Almighty Force/God)  is 4320,000,000 man years also known as kalp. As per bible the creation happened in 6 days but it doesnt say it is 6 man days as we know there was no man, there was no earth, there was no sunrise or sunset to calculate a day and neither was there any solar system or galaxy or  stars for that matter. As per big bang theory it was a massive explosion and it is still an expanding universe due to that explosion. The big bang theory tells us that after the explosion the gaseous materials and the residues were all combined, collided and later it all evolved into the present universe. If we take both the big bang theory and the biblical version of creation as true (including the darwin's theory) we are left with one question! What kind of day is the bible talking about? when there was no sunrise, sunset, earth or any of the planets for that matter. So it must be the day at the heave...

a story about my new sony xperia z1 compact

Right from the day when the news and pics of the sony xperia z1 f surfaced for the japanese market which is just a small screen version of it's big brother sony xperia z1 i was very excited to finally a mid sized phone which is small enough to be operated with just one hand but powerful enough to match any big phone in the market at that time. I was finally thinking of replacing my HTC desire HD which is almost 4 years old and i still miss it for elegance and simplicity and most importantly its metal construction and camera. After months of wait it finally got released and i made the mistake of buying it as soon as it got released. When i bought it ( march 2014 ) on the 2nd of the official release in india it was 35k in the local shop but there wasnt a screenguard or a case available since its new. They gave me a temporary custom cut screenguard for 200 Rs. I bought an expensive screenguard online which need to be soaked in soap water before it has to be applied to the screen and...

Islamic Banking a flawed totalitarian concept ?!

what is islamic banking? Islamic banking is a concept derived from the fact that in Islam forbids taxing people or charging interest for lending money. Thus a concept evolved where rich financiers, bankers or banks will lend you money to start your own business without charging any interest but instead they will be partners in your business and there is written guidelines on how much equity they will own in your business. Some say it is an 'unwritten' guideline where banks cannot own more than 50% of the profit or equity in the business of the person whom they are lending the money. Here are some of my observations It is an unwritten guideline that banks or financiers cannot own more than 50% of the equity of the business of the person to whom they are lending the money but it is an unwritten guidelines which means the bankers are not obligated to obey it under islam or under the law of the nation and one can easily demand more equity or profit than 50%. if a bank has le...

One Law One Nation (My Idea of uniform civil code)

If you have 3 children and if you are unfairly lineant and dear to the youngest and provide unparallelled advantages to the youngest over his or her siblings then it is obvious that the other two will be jealous, which leads to hatred and anger. This is the main basis of division in the society. When we declare all of us to be the children of this nation but still provide unfair advantages to one section of the society in the name of caste, religion, origin or other reasons we create not only jealousy among the members of the society but divisions leading to collisions and disharmony. This is only beneficial to the people in power to remain in power since now people can be busy fighting each other than fight those in power to do right for the society. This can only benefit the western countries which are actively funding such reservations and castist movements in bharath (Hindustan or India) so that the real talent can run away from bharath to come to them to prosper their nation sinc...

'ADticles' the new age of sublime and deceptive advertising

When I read the story about how ' Google Saved An Estimated $887 Million By Paying Adblock To Show Its Ads ' i wasn't surprised at all. Politicians have been using media houses to promote themselves by making these media houses run their promotions in the form of genuine articles. Nobody wants to see ads now, If the user has a chance then he will completely do away with all these advertisements. The famous transformers live action movies series one of those movies where automobile companies lined up to be featured in them. If you haven't yet wondered why do most of the users in hollywood movies use mac with that shiny apple logo than a PC ? even thought PC users are more than 75% of the total global computer users. News agencies have realized that their consumers now have gone smarter by and they might be using methods like browsers add ons such as adblock plus, flashblock or ghostery which will take out those annoying ads out of your webpage. Many people are moving a...

Solution to the world's shortage of clean water

A lot of the world's population including of my country have no access to drinking water and that shows that we have failed in the collective growth of humanity. Many may talk about the lack of food too but you cannot grow food without water. I have a very simple, extremely economical and effective solution to curb all this, especially in the developing and developed countries. When it rains the water hits the ground and most of it gets evaporated due to sunlight and other factors. This is more true especially in the developed and developing countries where it is becoming harder and harder for the earth to absorb water due to high rise buildings, roads and other manmade real estate and transport routes who act as a barrier between the earth and water. In order for the earth to stay normal, ground to stay healthy and stable it should have a normal and certain level of moisture which is achieved through ground water. The more ground water we have in a place the healthier the soil ...

"Right To Recall" a hostile idea in its present form

Many of you might have heard about this right to recall movement and how it is said to be the cure for all the countries problems. Below is a crash course However more than solving it seems to create more problems or amplify them. Here the responsibility of keeping a govt. official from the bottom to the top level including the elected personnel is put on the shoulders of the voter himself which will definitely lead to populism. Currently most of the political parties bend their knees in front of the minority groups mainly muslims for their votebank since their vote is decided by the mosque in majority of the places where an entire muslim community will vote for someone based on the sermon that they receive in the mosque. There are many areas where muslims are in majority like kashmir and minority have no rights over there. If tomorrow someone has to come and introduce this new concept of right to recall then all muslims will recall anyone except those who will not hesitate to he...

The Blue Gods of Hindu (sanathana dharma) and the DNA

You might have seen the main deities of hindu shiva, vishnu, krishna and rama some times depicted with blue color and you might be wondering why? what is the connection of color blue or why are they blue colored.

Screwed up education system leading to cultural, social and economic degradation of india.

There are many ways to destabilize and corrode a country apart from the sheer muscle power. There are better subtle ways to do so which involves not your men but the men of the enemy and their own resources. The best way is the deceptive way as suggested by the history of all great fallen empires. The world's biggest brain drain is happening in India. Almost all the top brains of India are being wooed abroad to serve foreign countries and foreign companies. majority of the NASA scientists are Indians, Majority of the Microsoft and many other top 500 MNC companies are Indians. In USA, Indian students are academically way ahead than any other ethnic group. Indian ethnicity has the highest average income compared to Jews or any other community. Imagine all this talent was in India but not anywhere else. India would have been a superpower which is against the interest of many countries who are in the top of the chain of the world politics and power. So it is in their interest to ...

The Caste System, A cultural 'Firewall of Hinduism'

when a critic of you who would like to replace you entirely if possible starts to show concern and worries about something in you then you should think why would someone who doesnt like you and likely want to replace you will show concern and worry about something in you !. The oldest, the last and the only ancient civilization which is still surviving and thriving is Sanathana Dharma or Hinduism. If you want to attack Christianity then all you have to do is defame the one book and Jesus and you are done. There is no Christianity without Christ or the bible. The same way there is no Islam without the prophet or the Qur'an. In fact, there will be no Abrahamic religions if you take out or nullify the prophet Abraham. Please do not confuse this article as an attack on other faiths since I am a Hindu and I can't be a Hindu If I don't believe that all ways can be true and all ways of spirituality can lead to divinity or salvation, including atheism. Yes, I do believe that a b...