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I would If I could 24: 3x employment at no extra cost, making everything (almost) paperless for citizens.

 problem: Whenever someone moves, especially those who rent, they have to get their address updated at too many places All bank accounts all credit cards driving license aadhar card passport gas connection phone connection broadband connection and many more other things. All these require a person to keep traveling to various govt and public offices several times. Solution:  1. Give authority to police to provide a verified address to someone who either moves, relocates anywhere permanently or temporarily.  2. Citizen then provides a list of places where he needs his address updated. 3. Police will then have an online way to intimate the all the sources like banks, passport office etc., to update the address. 4. citizen will then be charged a small fee per instance of this update of address at various places. Advantages: Increases engagement of police and citizens Decreases the burden of paperwork, transit on citizens who have to move often  Drastically reduces fraud...
Recent posts

I would If I could 23: No loss relocation of (farm) land to owners

 Benefits: Hassle free transfer of land to govt or govt approved projects from owners Hassle free transfer of land to govt or govt approved projects from farmers No loss to farmers in terms of income Encourages voluntary declaration of income from real estate or farm land Almost nullifies everlasting court battle between project owners or govt vs land owners or farmers Provides near accurate cost of kickstarting the project, especially aquiring land Problem: Whenever a new project, factory, manufacturing plant, roads or train tracks has to be laid down, there is always an ever lasting battle between the project owners and the land owners. This is because the land owners often undervalue their property value to the govt to put them in a lower tax bracket, which actually helps project owners to pay them less when they want to forcefully aquire that land.  Solution: For farmers who have a CA certified, recorded income for that land with their pan card attached, during the aquisit...

stackexchange: What does the demon kali staying in gold mean?

 since stackexchange is becoming like reddit and wikipedia where unknown , behind the mask moderators run these sites like dictatorship, I have decided to add answers here. I think you are taking it in the wrong direction. Many of hindu texts have sub layered meanings.So the parikshit permits him to stay only in places where there is prostituion gold (riches, display of riches) Alcohol (intoxicants which will affect your moral judgement) Gambling As you might have already figured out from the story, kali is non physical in nature and omnipresent. He can not only be present in many places at once but also many kalpas at once. So for easier understanding, think of him as the biggest influencer of immorality. Wherever these 4 things are there, there is a high chance that, the place and the people in it are immoral, unethical. Here are the same 4 things in islam and how it is restricted. Prostitution is prohibited in Islam. It is considered a form of zina, or adultery, which is a major...

stackexchange: Why do many Hindus eat meat and fish? Eating meat and fish directly violates the principle of Ahimsa

since stackexchange is becoming like reddit and wikipedia where unknown , behind the mask moderators run these sites like dictatorship, I have decided to add answers here. The meaning of ahimsa today unfortunately has been equated to non violence due to the lack of equivalent word in english. Just like atma is not sould, ahimsa is not non violence. It is a state of being. Meta is discouraged and not forbidden in hinduism. Today unfortunately meat has been associated with health and fitness. Let us have a look at the animals in the jungle. Elephant - biggest animal, most powerful animal, heaviest animal Rhino, hippopotamus, wild buffalo - big, powerful, heavy deer - fastest animal giraffe, camel - tallest animal tortoise - lenghty life horse - speed, vigor donkey - most hardworking Many of these vegetarian animals (elephant, rhino, hippopotamus, wild ox, wild bull) can easily defeat any tiger, lion. In fact no lion or tiger ever dare to do a one on one with any of them. You will notice ...

stackexchange: Are shudras and women not allowed to chant Aum i.e Pranava?

since stackexchange is becoming like reddit and wikipedia where unknown , behind the mask moderators run these sites like dictatorship, I have decided to add answers here. Chanting and reading are different. Vedic Chanting has two parts - Tone and Recitation (Patha). It further has four different tones - Udatta, Anudaatta, Svarita and Deergha Svarita. Pathas are the styles of hymnal recitation. So unless your are are well skilled in these and your pronouncination, enunciation is accurate, you are not supposed to chant. Chanting the same mantras in different way produces different effects, different vibrations. Many a times a slight difference in spacing, intonation, pronounciation, enunciation produces different meanings. So unless you are classically trained to chant these, one shall avoid it but can read them with sound without making a sound, silently. Ex: Many in north india swap va & ba. Ravindranath tagore becomes rabindranath tagore. Many in north india also swap ra & da...

stackexchange: If moksha is true then will prahlad take rebirth in next cycle of four yug for narsingh avtar of shri hari?

since stackexchange is becoming like reddit and wikipedia where unknown , behind the mask moderators run these sites like dictatorship, I have decided to add answers here.  Moksha is restricted to one kalpa. In another kalpa, there will be another prahlad but it may not be the same prahlad. Think of prahlad as a character of batman. Many have played batman, same story with few details changed everytime but the main storyline stays the same, an orphan kid, how his parents died, what he ends up becoming, what kind of villains he faces. So here prahlad is a character, a different soul may take that role. You might notice that you will find few contradictory incidents in puranas but the main story stays the same, however all those contradictions are true. Each contradictory version took place in a different kalpa. You might have also heard about bhavishya purana. Bhavishya purana is actually boothkal purana, it is talking about what happened in kali yuga of the last kalpa, it is not ta...

stackexchange: Why does Skanda Purana say to cut off the tongue of a low-caste person who reads the Vedas?

 Since stackexchange is becoming like reddit and wikipedia where unknown , behind the mask moderators run these sites like dictatorship, I have decided to add answers here.  valmiki was a hunter, visvamitra was a xatriya (king). However exceptions do not make or break the rule. In modern age what is the punishment for someone practicing medicine without a medicine degree and a license? What is the punishment for someone practising law without passing the bar exam and getting a license? They will face prison. So someone who will study and chant vedas, his training began when he is a child. He will go through an initiation process and then his training starts which not only involves, memorization, pronounciatioin etc., but also a strict diet, strict daily routine of when he will up, how will he bathe, what should he eat, what will he wear, there are more restrictions and abstinence prescribed to this trainee than any modern day professions. A shudra aka laborer start their famil...

Why NRI (non resident indian) praises india but won't come back.

 It is not uncommon for most indians to praise india, indian govt or whoever is in power. These NRIs are not those who have gone there within 5 years. After some time I have noticed that they think india is better and good for indians and encourage all to stay in india but it is not good enough for them. Their usual excuse is, they are already settled there, they have children going to school, they are stuck with their career etc., I was always puzzled why most NRI wants all indians to stay in india but they wont. Why many NRI justify how india is better than many countries but they wont come back and stay. This only hit me when my friend who is from a different state of india and working in my current state of india told me that he doesnt want more north indians in karnataka. I have escaped that and I do not want it to be that. This explains the NRI behaviour. NRIs always complained that why and how there are more indians now in USA or Canada or Australia and it is becoming a pock...

I would If I could 22: Mandatory remote live interaction of judiciary and elected with people

 Problem:  Disconnect between MLA/MP and the people of their constituency engagement of people with judiciary is costly, long distance and time consuming Solution: Setup air conditioned state of the art live streaming branches in every constituency MLA & MP have to peform at least 1 livestream per week for atleast 3 hours on a fixed date, fixed day; multiple failures to do so will revoke their MP, MLA status. All interactions will be available online for anyone to access forever. When this setup isnt not being used for MLA/MP interaction, this will be used by people to attend courts remotely with their lawyers, if the distance to the court is farther than these setups

I would If I could 21: Marriage of socialism and capitalism

Benefits  Draw more people to invest in companies directly thatn via banks  Builds interest in the economy of country  Brings in global big companies to india  India Becomes an IP hub  India will be seen as a more pro women country than others  India will be seen as more pro muslim country than others  India will be seen as more pro christian country than others  Indian will be seen as more pro minority, pro women country than others  India will gain higher confidence of capitalists and investors than others Socialists+capitalists will finally agree on a scheme where you do socialism via capitalism. Anti inflation socialism pro capitalist socialism vote bank politics of freebies but instead of draining the economy, it will boost the economy. How? India shall reduce corporate tax in far with saudi for listed companies who has at least 40% permanent women employees against permanent+contract male employees where at least 50% of these women will...

Android or iPhone, personal experience and views

FYI Samsung auto bot removed this post from its forum on reddit within a second. Android subreddit removed it too within minutes. None gave any reason. They have bots to identify posts which are not in their best interest and remove them. so I am posting it on my personal space.Brand new samsung 22+ and its issues so far.purchase date: august 2022. phone: samsung galaxy s22+ 128GB 8GB Ram. I strongly believe that none should follow these celeb reviewers or influencers and give not just 0 but negative credit and importance to their reviews. All of them get their free product from the company to review and many a times they get to keep it. If I am huge company like samsung then I can make a batch of my products with the best of the components possible and give them only to these influencers like MKBHD or Dave2D or geekyranjit etc., and they will have the best experience since the phone is made of best components. Do not believe any review of any product which hands out free samples to an...